• 4activeSystems
    Dummies and testing systems for active vehicle safety
  • IDT Vision
    from auto-safety testing to medical research to filmmaking
  • Specilised Imaging
    Ultra Fast Framing / Still Cameras
    High-intensity lighting systems
  • NF Corporation
    Measurement Instruments/Power supply and Power Control/Function modules
    High quality sensors
    Crash Systems/Drive Train Test stand/Static strain stand
  • Eltek
    Custom Data Loggers
  • Elsys
    Data acquisition systems
  • Pearson Electronics
    Wide-Band Current Transformers, made in USA
  • HT-NaviControl
    GPS Based Autonomous Driving system
  • DTS
  • ATD-LabTech
    ANTHROPOMORPHIC TEST DEVICE Laboratory Technology, Service and Consulting
  • MC Measurement Computing
    Data Acquisition (DAQ), Hardware, Software and Support
  • ORME
    Experts in motion tracking and data analysis

HI-TEC is specialized in automotive industry driverless car systems high speed cameras crash acquisition data acquisition systems.

Our Products

DAS-L Series

HIGH-G Crash Test Acquisition System

Wideband Current Monitors


Ethernet-Based DAQ and Digital I/O Devices

1000 Series Squirrel

Low Power Multichannel Customizable Data Logger

OS Series

The Os-series is a new digital high-speed camera designed to operate in the most demanding environments.


autonomous driving platform

HI-TEC s.r.l. is specialized in data acquisition and measurement. Established in 1980 , it is now known how to impose thanks to a viable organization and the quality of services offered . The company structure makes use of a sales network that operates throughout the Italian territory , and in some European countries , either directly in the main areas of interest . The Systems Division , Technical and Commercial Service are constantly evolving and serve dynamic and highly qualified personnel in order to offer a continuous technological improvement.


  • Indirizzo: Via Agrigento 9, MILANO, Italy

  • Phone: (+39) 02 39262464

  • Phone: (+39) 02 39260434

  • Email: hi-tec@hi-tec.it