The Ultimate High-Speed Video Camera

The ultimate High-Speed Video Camera che unisce la flessibilità della tecnologia video con la risoluzione dell'inquadratura della fotocamera ad altissima velocità.

Specialised Imaging Limited is a dynamic company focusing on the design, manufacture, service and supply of ultra-high-speed imaging systems and components for industrial, military and scientific applications...

Today Specialised Imaging Ltd's ultra-high speed imaging systems are widely used all around the world. A growing group of knowledgeable specialist distribution-partners form a worldwide sales network providing responsive and competent services to customers. These distribution partners are supported by a highly motivated and experienced team of technical specialists at our headquarters in Tring, UK

Kirana's unique hybrid sensor design enables a new breed of camera combining high resolution and high speed in a no compromise design. Full resolution maintained at all speeds.

924 x 768px / 180 frames
5,000,000 FPS

Up to 11 consecutive events can be captured at a rate of 250ms per event. 2s of video can be stored when operating at 1,000FPS.

  • Combustion research
  • Biological/Microscopy
  • Ballistics
  • Mechanics
  • Cavitation
  • Materials research
  • Aerospace
  • Digital Image Correlation
  • PIV