NF Corporation
Measurement Instruments/Power supply and Power Control/Function modules

Nel 1959, NF Corporation è stata fondata con la nobile missione di fornire al mondo prodotti unici utilizzando tecnologia di controllo feedback negativo ad alta precisione, una tecnica non del tutto diffusa in Giappone in quel periodo. Questo spirito pionieristico è ancora oggi vivo in NF, che sta attivamente perseguendo nuovi campi e lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, con l'obiettivo di contribuire alla prossima generazione di R & D e attraverso questa, a far progredire la società. La tecnologia di NF viene utilizzata in una vasta gamma di applicazioni dalle automobili agli elettrodomestici digitali e altri dispositivi elettronici ad alta tecnologia, come le celle a combustibile, l'energia solare e altre tecnologie energetiche pure, così come le nanotecnologie via satellite, razzi , e altre tecnologie aerospaziali.

Measurement Instruments
Known as the backbone of modern industry, measurement instruments are indispensable tools in state-of-the-art R&D and production. Since its founding, NF has delivered to market numerous distinctive and proprietary products in this category. NF continues to develop the advanced measuring solutions demanded by today’s businesses in high-performance electronic devices, based on precision analog control technology.

Power Supply and Power Control Products
Since developing Japan’s first domestically produced vacuum-tube AC power supply, NF has released numerous power supply products. Incorporating technology for precision analog control, high-performance power control, etc., they realize highly accurate power control in applications ranging from direct current to high frequencies.

Function Modules
In addition to standalone products, NF supplies modules providing specific functions required by customers. Backed by sophisticated circuit technology honed in the development of measurement instruments and power supplies as well as highly reliable mounting technology capable of withstanding the demanding requirements of aerospace applications, our function modules support the entire development process, from circuit design to mass production.

Customized Products
NF supplies an array of customized products to meet specific customer requirements, drawing on our broad base of accumulated technology and expertise. Our unmatched customizing skills combine with close communication with our customers to enable us to create new value that will pave the way to future technological breakthroughs.


  • Indirizzo: Via Agrigento 9, MILANO, Italy

  • Phone: (+39) 02 39262464

  • Phone: (+39) 02 39260434

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